PAIP 2 Vanuatu

Pacific Aviation Investment Program Satcom Equipment Supply

Av-Comm is pleased to announce that it has been awarded the contract to supply satellite communications equipment for the Pacific Aviation Investment Program’s (PAIP) Phase 3 contract. The contract will see Av-Comm supply satellite communications equipment to upgrade the two airports in the Solomon Islands at the capital Honiara and at Munda, a regional tourist destination.PAIP is sponsored by the World Bank and seeks to improve aviation infrastructure, management, and operations to make air travel to and from the Pacific Islands safer and more efficient. By facilitating greater flight access and improved travel conditions, PAIP’s dual goals are to promote tourism and trade, and open access to jobs, markets and services overseas in the counties where the program is active. PAIP’s projects will boost regional integration through shared technology, systems and an effective air transport network.

Av-Comm will supply two new satellite ground stations each consisting of a CPI 3.8m C Band High Wind Antenna, fitted with redundant Terrasat BUCs, and Av-Comm L1521 C Bandpass Filtered LNBs. The new satellite ground stations will connect back to the Airways New Zealand hub located in Wellington New Zealand and will allow real time sharing of air traffic control data and communications.

Av-Comm is proud to be associated with the third phase of PAIP roll out having been previously awarded the PAIP Phase 2 contracts through our STEP Electronics division. Av-Comm has a long association with the Solomon Islands, established when our Technical Director Garry Cratt first visited in 1995. Av-Comm has since delivered numerous satellite communications infrastructure projects for Tier 1 customers and is looking forward to continuing our long-standing relationship with our colleagues and wantoks in the Solomon Islands.

Contact Av-Comm today to setup a meeting and discus you satellite communications requirements.