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The contract includes refurbishment of the existing 3.7m parabolic antennas and feedhorns, and the installation of solid state antenna controls and satellite tracking equipment. Once upgraded the 3.7m antennas will form part of a network of antennas used to range the Chinese operated Feng Yun constellation of weather satellites orbiting in geostationary orbit. The ranging conducted at the Crib Point facility is used to pinpoint the location in three dimensions in real time providing critical information to the constellation’s TT&C.
In addition to the ranging activities, the antennas will be used for the downlinking of raw weather information and imagery used by the Bureau to make periodic weather predictions for a wide variety of stakeholders.
The contract represents a significant milestone for Av-Comm who, in recent years, has built itself to be one of Australia’s leading suppliers of satellite communication solutions and services in the Asia Pacific region. The multi-antenna project represents Av-Comm’s ability to successfully leverage its engineering and technical resources to win projects in new and complimentary markets.
About Av-Comm
Av-Comm is an Australia based satellite communications infrastructure and services provider established for over 35 years. Av-Comm actively serves the broadcast, enterprise, and government satellite communication markets with active projects and services in six countries. Av-Comm also provides the satellite communications market with innovative and value driven equipment solutions used in the satellite communications industry globally.
About Bureau of Meteorology
The Bureau of Meteorology is Australia’s national weather, climate and water agency. Its expertise and services assist Australians in dealing with the harsh realities of their natural environment, including drought, floods, fires, storms, tsunami and tropical cyclones. Through regular forecasts, warnings, monitoring and advice spanning the Australian region and Antarctic territory, the Bureau provides one of the most fundamental and widely used services of government.
Michael Cratt
CEO, Av-Comm
+61 2 9939 4377
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