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Apposite: Satellite WAN Optimization Performance Test Tools

Improve performance on satellite networks and reduce bandwidth costs with satellite WAN optimization tools from Apposite Technologies. With a satellite link emulator, you can test applications and measure performance using realistic conditions that they’ll encounter in a live network environment.

Our satellite performance test solutions will help you save time and money while providing the best possible user experience. With our easy-to-use Netropy WAN emulators and traffic generators, you can configure satellite network tests in minutes. Explore the benefits of satellite load testing and learn how to measure application performance over satellite links today.

Bring Satellite WAN Optimization Into Your Lab

Satellite users know better than anyone that latency and packet loss can have as big an impact on application performance, if not bigger, than link bandwidth.

Measure performance in your lab beforehand with Apposite’s easy to use, high-precision satellite network emulator to deliver the ultimate user experience. Read the Best Practices for Measuring Application Performance over Satellite Networks white paper to learn more.

Avoid purchasing expensive satellite time by testing on emulated satellite networks in the lab.

Stress-test applications using the same changing conditions they will encounter in live satellite networks.

Configure satellite network tests in minutes to identify and address performance problems of mission-critical systems.

Validate Application Performance

In satellite networks, performance issues arise from poor application design and choosing the wrong protocols. Well-designed applications may work surprisingly well while others remain virtually useless, regardless of bandwidth, latency and loss conditions.

Use Netropy’s satellite network emulator and network traffic generator appliances to evaluate applications from different vendors and the performance of challenging services like voice and video conferencing before you roll them out.

Apposite Satellite Customers